Monday, June 29, 2009


Ronald D. Moore, a big name in the world of science fiction television, has recently had a couple of series pilots aired or released as movies. One's going to continue on as a show and the other probably isn't. Caprica is the former, and it's a prequel to Battlestar Galactica, although one far enough in the past that there are very few recognizable characters and we don't know what's going to happen beyond the broad strokes already established, while still feeling like part of the same universe. It has a different feel from Battlestar, setting itself up as more of a family drama with the familiar themes of artificial intelligence and using technology to bring back lost loved ones instead of an epic war in space.

I honestly was slightly bored the entire time I was watching this. No single element failed too bad or was responsible for my disinterest, it just didn't come together in an exciting way for me. There was some interesting scenes, and I was intrigued enough by some of the ideas and story threads they set up for the series to give it a shot when it starts airing next year. There's a lot of cool places they could go with it, I'm just worried the sources of conflict will be a little too pedestrian after the apocalpytic war that could wipe out humanity in Battlestar. I'm a little fuzzy on the exact timeline and when things really hit the fan, but if that's something Caprica could explore, that would be a lot of fun.

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