Thursday, October 18, 2007

Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Episode Two continues the story from the previous games, pushing the narrative forward in ways it hasn't been before. For it's time, the original game was pretty impressive in its immersion but now is very limited and a bit simple. The sequel took huge steps forward in presentation and upped the ante quite a bit with consistent characters, but was still a little basic. The first episodic expansion really raised the bar with its development of Alyx as a believable and likable character, and she's maybe the best ever in a video game. This game takes big steps forward in adding intrigue and surprises to the plot, with more than one shocking moment. It's still not as smooth as a good movie, as plenty of little things can break the illusion, but it's still quite a feat for the medium.

What really matters is the gameplay and not the story though, and Half-Life still excels in this area. Valve hasn't added a new weapon since 2, but that's not the only way you can mix things up. They've added a couple new enemies that require brand new combat tactics, including one that's especially interesting, the Hunters. They announce their presence in dramatic fashion and are a very intimidating foe while still being beatable. They do get annoying in the final climax when they prevent you from accomplishing your goal, but are still pretty cool. The balance between combat and puzzle-solving is still fantastic, as you never spend too much time on a specific kind of experience. It's a lot of fun just cruising from location to location in the new vehicle, seeing what there is to see, before the next big battle happens. The Vortigaunts are given a spotlight in the second episode, and they make a pretty effective and intriguing ally. The added achievements maybe caused me to spend too much time playing in a specific way to unlock them, but they still add some satisfaction to your progression. The last big battle is one of the best designed large combat sequences I've ever played, that combines the skills of driving, Hunter combat, gravity gun use, and precise aiming in a way that is exhilarating while maintaining a manageable difficulty. As part of the high-value Orange Box, it's something truly worth seeing.

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