Friday, January 11, 2008

Only Yesterday

I wrote this for a class, which explains why it's a bit more analytical/spoiler-filled.

It seems like most Studio Ghibli films not directed by Miyazaki don't have much of a plot. Only Yesterday was quite slow, although not really boring. It had a good amount of humor, and it was done well enough as a movie that it remained at least tolerable throughout. There is a story in there, but it's not traditionally told, as it jumps back and forth between Taeko's youth and adulthood, using the flashbacks to fill in her character and show how she's changed since then. Most of the actual action in the story takes place during the credits, so it definitely took a while getting there.

Stylistically, it looks like most Ghibli output, simple, not flashy, but still attractive and fluidly animated. It's not overly exaggerated but the faces are simplified to convey emotion in a very obvious way. The scene where they're eating pineapple is a good example of this, Taeko's movements are subtle but you can clearly see her masked unhappiness that it didn't taste as good as she wanted.

It explores the themes of growing up and the connecting we always feel to our past self. Taeko was always a little odd as a character and needed some pushing to go after what she wanted, and in the end she uses the help of her memories to get herself to where she wants to be. I found the whole sequence to be very touching and handled perfectly, a good ending to a good movie, even if it was a little too long.

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