Sunday, March 23, 2008

Frisky Dingo - Season 1

After it was canceled, the creators of Sealab 2021 eventually came back with a new show, Frisky Dingo. While, like many early Adult Swim shows, Sealab was based off recycled art from older programs, Dingo is all original, although the art kind of looks like it was traced from real images. The show is heavily plot based, with each episode directly continuing the previous one, focusing on a story about Killface, a villain who's created the Anihilatrix, a weapon capable of destroying the planet, and the people who try to stop them, including Xander Crews, an idiotic billionaire who runs around in a costume for fun.

The show's humor comes mostly from the (improvised?) dialogue, which comes off as pretty natural and doesn't quite gel with the fantastic situations that the characters are actually in. There aren't many gags or real jokes, just funny conversations. As the season goes on, some goofier stuff starts happening, involving double-crosses and blindness and stuff like that, and it comes to a head in a finale that seems like it wouldn't support much continuation. Thankfully, the show fortunately resumed late last year, and the second season has its own finale happening tonight. I find the show's treatment by Adult Swim a little odd, seeing how the first season DVD has absolutely no special features, because it's one of the legitimately funniest things they have.

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