Saturday, March 21, 2009

Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Dangeresque 3: The Criminal Projective

Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People was the next series of episodic adventures from Telltale Games, the people who made the Sam and Max ones. Not being enough of a fan of Homestar Runner to plop down my hard-earned money for it when it came out, but enough of a Wallace and Gromit fan to preorder their first season of games, I got my hands on the fourth Strong Bad episode as a bonus. It didn't quite convince me to pony up for the rest of them necessarily, but it was a reasonably enjoyable and sometimes funny few hours. Also it's probably the largest ratio of words-in-title to minutes-of-entertainment that I've ever seen.

Dangeresque is apparently a recurring concept from the cartoons, a low-budget series of detective films Strong Bad makes to flatter himself, sort of like everything else he does. The fact that the game is a homemade film within the story is played up throughout the episode, and was a pretty constant source of humor. From what I've seen I've generally appreciated the sense of humor and some of the wacky characters, although it's rarely laugh-out-loud funny and Strong Bad's voice can get really tiring after hearing it for a while. The puzzles weren't too bad, although a bit too easy some of the time, which came to a head when the final confrontation was resolved in a single obvious mouse click. A lot of the design is pretty clever, I just felt like the Sam and Max episodes were a bit more involved in addition to liking the characters more. Still, anyone who really likes these cartoons and clicking on things probably can't go wrong here.

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