Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Castle - Season 1

I only started watching Castle because of Nathan Fillion, the funniest actor I know who doesn't come off like he's really just a comedian saying lines. I became a fan of his through Joss Whedon stuff like Firefly, and thought the promos that played when I was watching Lost (Which he's also appeared in!) looked decent enough to check it out. It's a pretty standard procedural cop show with romantic tension between the two leads, though thanks to me being relatively fresh to the genre and some fairly witty banter, I ended up enoying it enough to hope for it's renewal.

Fillion plays a famous writer in New York who begins shadowing a detective who happens to be a fan for "research" on a new character, and each week they investigate and solve an unusual murder. I don't remember Stana Katic despite her apparently being in several things I've seen, though she has a decent enough rapport with Fillion to keep me from getting tired of that angle too quickly. Some of the cases are better than others, and apparently several of the plots aren't exactly new for the genre, although I didn't notice since I've never watched many shows like this, and the cast was likable enough to keep me entertained. There are some vague strains of continuity like Fillion's daughter's crush on a classmate and the death that caused Katic to become a police officer, but it's really mostly a self-contained mystery every week good for a couple twists and some chuckles. Definitely not breaking any new ground, but fun.

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