Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Xtacles

Now that we know 70/30 Productions is dead and the creators are moving on to other networks, I can talk about this safely. The Xtacles was a very brief, two episode spin-off of Frisky Dingo about Xander's dimwitted, crime fighting armored companions. The show takes their helmets off and gives them some individual personalities, as they cause wanton destruction in incredibly misguided attempts to be good guys while pissing off the A.I. who appears to them as an attractive woman, who they all fruitlessly try to hit on. With only about twenty minutes total produced, the show didn't have a chance to really turn into anything, but what they made was a pretty funny continuation of the Dingo mythos. I'm a little disappointed that the series is shut down, but I look forward to whatever Duchess turns out to be when it airs on FX in the future.

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